Adding Supporting Footage To Your Hunting Videos
Supporting footage is a giant part of story telling. Learning to shoot supporting footage will greatly increase the quality of your production irrespective of what camera you are using.
If You Say It, Show It!
When you watch a hunt you want to watch a hunt. You don’t just want to sit there and watch someone talk. You need to apply that when you are filming yourself or filming others. If you mention that its late October and the leaves are falling, show a video of leaves falling and pan your sounding area. If you mention that you are sitting 30 yards from a big scrape, show a video of the scrape. Its a great idea to keep a mental note of what is talked about during the pre-hunt interview so you can capture the supporting footage needed to keep things interesting.
Dig Into the Archives
Supporting footage is great for during interview during the hunt and for voice overs. You may want to tell a story of something that happened in the past. That is when you can dig into the archives and give people a visual to match what you are talking about. You might be talking about a particular hunting location and what it was like. You might be recalling a memory of hunting with a special individual. You might be pulling footage from a previous year of a buck you’ve been chasing for multiple years. Diving into the archives to help tell your story can really liven up your hunting video.
You don’t have to have all the expensive gear to tell a good story. Supporting footage is a critical part of telling entertaining stories and you can get supporting footage with whatever camera you might have.