Why Fourth Arrow Camera Arms

After years of videoing hunts and general videography, a team sat down to start Fourth Arrow and one of the first innovations was reinventing the hunting film industry. The goal was simple: Begin the brand by creating three simple points of perfection that trumped every current arm system out there.

•    Lightweight. Is there a reason a camera arm needs to be the same weight as your average boat anchor?

•    Removable and Affordable Base system. Why does an extra camera base cost $100? Can’t we have something affordable enough to install in every stand location we have?

•    Range of adjustment for virtually any tree-stand situation. Why do we have to pick the perfect tree to hang a camera arm? Why can’t the arm accommodate to any situation, tree, or branch that I want to hunt in?

After reviewing these questions, we answered all of them! It took us months of perfection and testing. It was a journey to team up with some of the best brands and productions in the industry to earn their trust and confidence in Fourth Arrow.

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